Online Slots vs. Online Poker – what is better?

Like their land-based counterparts, slots and poker are two of the most popular games in online casinos and draw in the most number of players. Both games offer players the opportunity to win huge amounts of money. However, while one is completely based on luck, the other depends on both luck and strategy.

While you have the opportunity to play both iboslot and poker, how would you decide which one to pick? The answer would depend on multiple factors, some of which we have discussed below. Continue reading to find out.

The game complexity level

Poker is a game of strategy. However, luck also plays some part in the cards dealt to you and your position at the poker table. So unless you are well aware of the game format and strategy, you may not be able to land a successful wager. So, if you want to succeed at poker, you need to invest time in learning the tips and tricks before you begin playing.

On the other hand, slots are purely a game of luck, and the numbers on the reels are produced by the Random Number Generator.

Avid poker players would prefer nothing over slots, but a newbie, who is new to the world of gambling, may find slots easier to play. You do not need to learn any strategy to play slots and

The game winnings

Poker comes in various forms, and in professional tournaments, you have the potential to win in millions. However, in the online format, your winnings may depend on the amount wagered by the other players at the table. So, the winnings may not be very high. However, the amount can add up and increase over time.

On the other hand, online slots offer a lot of variation. While the modest slot games offer you decent winnings, the larger ones offer huge prizes. Some games offer winnings, thousands of times the amount of your original bet.

Additionally, with online slots, you also have the option to pay for progressive slots, which can land you the jackpot.

The game duration

Compared to online poker, slots have a very small duration. While you can play a quick game of slots and be in and out in no time, you cannot do that in poker. Poker is a game of strategy, and one game has multiple rounds, so players take their time deliberating over and planning their moves.

So, if you want to play poker, you need to be mentally prepared to spend a good amount of time at the poker table.

Game online bonuses

Online casinos offer bonuses for both games, but the bonuses offered for slots are considerably higher than the amount offered for online poker. Most casinos offer 100% bonuses for slots, while some even offer 200% matching bonuses.

Game variety

Most online casinos offer one or two poker variations, the most common being Texas Hold’em poker. So the choices are quite less, particularly when you compare it with slots, which have thousands of variations in terms of features, themes, etc. So, one cannot get bored playing slots as they can opt for a different game every time.

Final remarks

From the above comparison, we can assume that slots seem to fare better than poker. They are easier to play, offer higher bonuses, more variety, and are quick to play too. However, ultimately, the players’ preference determines which game is better. So, if you are really fond of poker, you may hardly find anything better.

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